Sunday, April 15, 2012

Automatic Android Release Builds with CI

So if you are using a CI server (eg. Hudson aka Jenkins) to build your Android app, when you come to release it you'll want to do that automatically too.

All thats required is this kind of stanza in your build.xml:

<property environment="env"/>
<target name="-post-build" >
        <copy todir="bin">
            <fileset dir="bin">
                 <include name="myappname-*.apk"/>

            <globmapper from="myappname-*.apk" to="myappname-*.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}.apk"/>

As you can see I'm also naming the final apk file with the Jenkins build number environment variable.  There are a lot more other env vars that Jenkins sets that you can use.

Also note the reason I've used the globmapper is that this will work for both the debug and release build targets that are pre-defined in the standard android project ant build configs. This means you can have Hudson build configs for both debug and release.

If you want your release apk to be properly signed, you need to create a certificate and then point your ant build at it (

If you don't want to type in the password for each build, you can add the following to your

And also add the passwd properties to your Jenkins config (click "Advanced" button in the "Invoke Ant" section of your build config). This way you never have to check your keystore passwords into version control.

Oh as a bonus, if you want to be able to access the build information within your apps code at runtime, you can stash this in a string value by putting something
like this in your build.xml:

<property environment="env"/>
<target name="-pre-build">
        <echo file="res/values/buildtag.xml"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
                <string name="build_version">ABCXYZ123</string>
                <replace file="res/values/buildtag.xml" token="ABCXYZ123" value="${env.BUILD_TAG}"/>

Panel indicators for Unity

If you just want the system load indicator panel applet back just use this.

A whole lot more applets are listed in this answer.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Html Notifications

Chrome has a simple API spec for doing "desktop notifications" from webpages. There's even a quasi-standard "editors draft" at the W3C for it.

Luckily someone has been nice enough to write a Firefox add-on to implement the API in Firefox (open source).

Unfortunately some sites such as Flowdock only sniff for the presence of the API in the DOM instead of actually doing a call to the API to ask user permission as suggested by the spec itself and so fails due to the different approach taken by the add0on vs the implementation in Chrome.

Luckily this is easily fixed by pre-approving Flowdocks url via a property in about:config

key: extensions.html5notifications.permissions
value: {"":0, "" : 0}

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pretty JSON and Dark Ubuntu

Do get Eclipse using a dark theme to match dark background syntax highlighting plugin you need to set the gtk theme using myunity (from this answer on SO).

Pretty printing JSON with bash using just Python:
echo '{"foo": "lorem", "bar": "ipsum"}' | python -mjson.tool
Pretty JSON using an add-on in Firefox.

Using NodeJS and the pretty-data module to make a simple shell script.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


So out of box install of Ubuntu 12.04 now includes mp3 encoding (as well as decoding using fluendo decoder).

But theres this issue with VBR encoding (which is set in default gstreamer pipeline for mp3 encoding). And yes its been open just over 6 years!

Still I learnt about a handy tool called "mp3check" (and id3v2), exactly the kind of toold I'd been looking after for ages.

Of course the correct solution is to use a decent cdripper like the cli-based abcde.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Getting Android Emulator accelerated

On Ubuntu 10.04 or later install KVM as follows:
  1. sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin ubuntu-vm-builder bridge-utils
  2. install 2.3.3 Intel Atom Image via Android SDK Manager
  3. run:   emulator-x86 -avd <avd_name> -nosound -qemu -m 1024 -enable-kvm
NOTE:  the -nosound is necessary due to current bug with android emulator on Ubuntu